You will always see a preview of your changes in the little console preview window up top in the Appearance options. I highly recommend you watch the video that is mentioned at the beginning of this article where I go over each of those options in-depth. Here, you can change anything from the Color Scheme, Font Family, Font Size, Font-Weight, and a couple of very cool options like Retro Terminal Effects, change Windows Terminal Background Image as well as Acrylic Effects, or changing the Windows Terminal Background Opacity. Now comes the part you all have been waiting for! Customizing Windows Terminal appearance for WSL 2! Windows Terminal WSL 2 Appearance Settings I usually like to modify the Tab title to something nicer, like the name of the distribution. Allows you to hide this profile from the selection drop-down.So instead of your tab saying you can choose to let it say “Ubuntu” only, or something like that. (Replace the Linux penguin with something else) Per default it is your user profile ( :/mnt/c/Users/ceos3c$)

Part 2 – Windows Terminal Customization for WSL 2 Part 1 – How to install WSL 2 with Windows Terminal – Complete Guide I recommend having a look through Steps 1 – 7 anyway since we cover a lot of basics that affect startup behavior and so on. The actual WSL2 customization starts in Part 8. A short side-note: Parts 1 – 7 represent default Windows Terminal settings. Now without further ado, let’s dive into Windows Terminal Customization for WSL2. If you want to take it a step further and really go deep into Windows Terminal Customization, you have to stay tuned for the next guide where we will cover OhMyZSH and further customization that goes far beyond basic usage. They have added a ton of features that will probably satisfy most of the needs a regular person might have. We will look at how far we can get by just using Windows Terminal’s own settings and customization options. In this guide, we will cover Windows Terminal Customization. Last week we have learned how to install WSL 2 on Windows, and as I have promised, we will continue this series until we have a beautiful and optimized terminal for WSL2.